VAWA Attorneys For Victims Of Abuse
At the Houston immigration law firm of Adan G. Vega & Associates, our VAWA lawyers have extensive and ample experience with VAWA applications.
Our firm lawyers focus exclusively on immigration law, and we have demonstrated first and foremost our dedication to our clients’ needs. Our VAWA lawyers also have a deep understanding of the requirements and facts that must be proven for a successful VAWA application.
Any questions about making an VAWA application as a victim of abuse should be explored with a qualified immigration attorney. A consultation with an experienced attorney who is a Board-Certified Immigration Specialist can determine whether an VAWA application might be available to you or a family member. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of the VAWA lawyers at Adan G. Vega & Associates, PLLC. Call our Houston, Texas law office at 713.527.9606 or contact us by email.
The U.S. federal government has created a form of relief for those persons who are victims of abuse. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) program enables victims of abuse who are spouses and/or children of U.S. Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents to request this relief from USCIS. The VAWA petition, Form I-360, is available to both male and female victims of spousal/child abuse.
The U.S. federal government has also created a special exception for victims of abuse who have had one or more unlawful entries. The special exception enables a person who has entered the USA without permission and who would normally only be eligible to obtain residency through the U.S. consulate to, instead, file for their residency within the U.S. The ability to file for residency within the U.S. is not only more convenient, but also helps prevent the individual from initiating certain time bars upon departure from the USA to consulate process their case abroad. Moreover, if the individual has had several unlawful entries following April 1997, and it can be shown that those unlawful entries are connected to the abuse, the individual can avoid the permanent bar to residency by submitting a waiver.
In summary, it is possible for applicants who entered the USA without inspection to adjust status in the U.S. under certain circumstances as a victim of spousal/parent abuse.
If you or someone you know could benefit from this special exception contact our law office.
We represent clients worldwide and offer consultations with an experienced Board-Certified immigration lawyer, either by telephone or at our Houston office. To schedule an appointment to talk privately with one of our experienced attorneys, call (713) 527-9606 or contact us online.