The Supreme Court today partially lifted the injunctions that lower federal courts had imposed on Mr. Trump’s executive order issued in January 2017.

According to the decision by the court travel ban instituted by the executive order may go into effect “with respect to foreign nationals who lack any bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States”. But the justices “leave the injunctions entered by the lower courts in place” for individuals who can claim a direct connection with people or organizations in America.

For everybody else, though, Mr. Trump’s travel ban may take effect.Hence, people living in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen who have no “bona fide” link to America should not plan on traveling to the U.S. for the next three months.

However, foreign students admitted to universities in the U.S. and relatives from the banned countries may not be blocked from entering the country. Anyone else “similarly situated”—that is, those with relatives or business to do in America—may not be stopped at the border.

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