Form N-565, Application for Replacement of Naturalization/Citizenship Document, and Form N-336, Request for a Hearing on a Decision in Naturalization Proceedings (Under Section 336 of the INA), can be filed online.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced on May 25, 2018 that Form N-565, Application for Replacement of Naturalization/Citizenship Document, and Form N-336, Request for a Hearing on a Decision in Naturalization Proceedings (Under Section 336 of the INA), can be filed online. Applicants will be able to complete Forms N-565 and N-336 electronically, pay the filing fee online, and submit evidence to USCIS through the online account.

USCIS now allows a total of four (4) forms that applicants can file online through their online account including the following:

  • Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, since March 2015,
  • Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, since August 2016.

To file an N-400, I-90, N-565, or N-336 application online, the applicant must first create a USCIS online account.

The system is completely mobile-responsive, which means applicants can file the forms from a phone or tablet.

The applicant can: Monitor the status of their cases, Respond to requests for evidence, Communicate with USCIS through a secure inbox, and Change their address.

However, Form N-565 applicants will be required to mail their original certificates and photos to the Nebraska Service Center after they file their applications through their online account.

Applicants filing the N-336 will simply follow the online filing instructions, and wait to be scheduled for a hearing within 180 days of filing the application.

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